"I am not what happened to me,
I am what I choose to become"
Carl Jung

Cognitive Hypnotherapy is a flexible approach to hypnosis based on neuroscience. It incorporates discoveries and ideas from Evolutionary Psychology, Positive Psychology, Cognitive theory and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). I can therefore utilise a range of techniques including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Gestalt when treating clients. This flexibility ensures you get the most effective treatment for your individual needs.
Cognitive Hypnotherapists and clients work together to reach a goal. Clients learn to change beliefs, habits, attitudes and behaviours to enable them to live life in the way they choose.
Cognitive Hypnotherapy will help you empower yourself from within so you can take back control of your life.
Using a team of Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapists, clients with anxiety and depression were assessed using the same outcome measures currently used to assess the effectiveness of talking therapies within the NHS.
The pilot study was published in the Mental Health Review Journal in 2015. It recorded that, using 118 cases measuring the effectiveness of Cognitive Hypnotherapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression, 71% considered themselves recovered after an average of 6 sessions. This compared to an average of 42% of people using other IAPT therapies (including CBT).
For further information, visit the Evidence-Based Therapy Research page on the QCH website.

All Behaviour has a Positive
When people are stressed or feel threatened, their unconscious naturally responds to protect themselves. Reactions are based on processed information in the brain from past experiences (usually from a young age) and inaccurate conclusions are sometimes made which can lead to an undesired response. Understandably, a repetition of these mistakes can become a significant issue in one’s life.
Cognitive Hypnotherapists can help clients change their outlook on significant past events so that they can respond to situations in the way they would like.
Everyone is Unique
Cognitive Hypnotherapists treat the indiviual, not a label. Rather than use a ‘one size fits all’ approach, they find the root cause of the issue and focus on the way each client experiences the problem. Wordweaving is also used, which is a way of using a client’s own words to create hypnotic scripts which gets quicker results.
A bespoke treatment plan is created for each client to help clients reach their goals quickly and effectively.
Trance is an Everyday Occurrence
People go into trance states spontaneously every day, like when they are daydreaming or get lost in a good book. Cognitive Hypnotherapists use this light trance state to treat clients, who remain in control the whole time.
There are times when people are incapable of rational thought and unable to control their responses. In these moments, they are also in a trance and since the trance state can cause the problem, it’s strong enough to resolve it. So, Cognitive Hypnotherapists are in a way ‘dehypnotising’ clients out of the problematic trance state which they have unconsciously created. By doing this, clients can respond to situations in the way they choose.